A youth project granted by the European Union, Youth in Action programme. Organised by loveLife Generation in the UK and Women's right network in Sweden

onsdag 31 augusti 2011


På onsdagen fick varje deltagare en möjlighet att utforska sin identitet. Varje aktivitet hittat ett sätt att få oss att överväga vilka vi är och hur vi förmedlar oss tillandra. På morgonen brukade vi piprensare för att skapa strukturer somrepresenterade vår personlighet och diskuterade hur svårt det är att summera våra komplexa karaktärer med ett ord beskrivningar. Vi fortsatte med att skapa maskersom vi kände vi representerade en viktig tillgång för våra identiteter. Senare viparade upp i kanoter, i team med blandade nationaliteter, att utmana oss själva itävlingar och kurser hinder. Vi fick värdefulla insikter i hur viktigt det är att kommunicera med lagkamrater samt vikten av att vara positiv när det kommer till kritan.


On Wednesday, each participant had an opportunity to explore their identity. Each activity found a way to make us consider who we are and how we convey ourselves to others. 
In the morning we used pipe cleaners to create structures that represented our personality and discussed how difficult it is to sum up our complex characters with one word descriptions. We went on to create masks which we we felt represented an important asset to our identities. 
Later on we paired up in canoes, in teams of mixed nationalities, to challenge ourselves in races and obstacle courses. We gained valuable insights into how important it is to communicate with team mates aswell as the importance of staying positive when the chips are down. 

söndag 28 augusti 2011


en gång var vi tvungna att vakna tidigt för en stor frukost som jag verkligen inte van att som jag sällan äta innan 12! Stackars Samara var fortfarande sjuk Joanna och hennes bodde på pråmen och Horatio gick till en debatt session såvar han av för och på grund av detta har vi alla passar in i en minibuss. Det var kul.
Jag har inte njuta av att se den olympiska parken eftersom vi var ganska långt borta från den, men jag njöt av den karibiska buffén efter.
Det var roligt reser runt i East London, eftersom jag har bott där hela mitt liv och inte se det som mycket intressant. Vi träffade Newham asiatiska kvinnor: s projekt "Zindaagi laget och det var att öppna ögonen för mig att alla de sakerkvinnor i min stad möter i sina liv.
Jag tyckte sessionen med människor från PARIS organisation (en organisation som upprättats för hbt-ungdomar) var det uppenbart hur olika kulturer kan varamycket mer fördomar mot HBT-samhället.
På eftermiddagen prestanda från Craig, "alla de enda damer, alla de enda damer ..." Alla engagerade sig och visade sin unika dansstilar, till exempelZahra fick AMAZING arabisk dans. Hon visade oss också hur du spelar ett spel som heter "BATT" som vi spelade hela natten. Det bästa spelet någonsin!

Young People answering questions about what it's like to live in the Olympic Borough


Once again we had to wake up early for a BIG breakfast which I am really not used to as I rarely eat before 12! Poor Samara was still feeling ill so Joanna and her stayed at the Barge and Horatio went to a debating session so he was off too and because of this we all fit in to one mini bus. That was fun. 
I didn't enjoy seeing the Olympic Park because we were quite far away from it but I enjoyed the Caribbean buffet after. 
It was funny touring around East London, because I have lived there my whole life and didn't see it as very interesting. We met the Newham Asian Women's projects' Zindaagi team and it was eye opening for me to all the things women in my borough come up against in their lives. 
I enjoyed the session with the people from the PARIS organisation (an organisation set up for LGBT youth) it was evident how different cultures can be a lot more prejudice against the LGBT community. 
In the afternoon, the performance from Craig, "all the single ladies, all the single ladies..." Everybody got involved and showed their unique dance styles, for example Zahra did AMAZING Arab dancing. She also showed us how to play a game called 'BATT'  which we played all night. The best game EVER!!

R.E.S.P.E.C.T, 1 and 1 day week after the last day

R oligt! (Funny in Swedish). I laughed, danced, played funny games and got to know amazing people.

E nglish people were amazing hosts! Always helpful, well-organized and with a great attitude!

S ecret Friend is a game everyone played really well. I got flowers, presents, smiles and Sofia4ever signs everywhere! Thank you Zahraa! :)

P articipants were all friendly, positive and I'm happy that everyone became so close friends!

E eeehoooo! I liked the visit to New Ham (sorry if the spelling is wrong). It was really interesting!

C ool!

T thinking about what's next. English people might come to Sweden next year! This could be real if the Swedish team manages to write a good application and then make a good project. I think we will!


lördag 27 augusti 2011


Den första dagen efter att vi kommit att vi hade spelat spel att presentera oss för varandra och presenterade oss själva och Newham genom en tävling. På söndagen deltog vi i olika aktiviteter, bland annat samarbetar uppoch prata om våra partners till resten av gruppen. Detta var verkligen intressantdå vi fick möjlighet lära sig om våra svenska vänner på ett mycket personligt plan. Vi tittade på frågor om genus och vi tog våra olika perspektiv påtable.Sunday natten slutade med att vi alla deltar i en natt promenad och enlägereld. Värmen från elden utvidgas till gruppen.



On the first day after we arrived we had played games to introduce ourselves to each other and presented ourselves and Newham through a game show. On Sunday we took part in various activities, including partnering up and talking about our partners to the rest of the group. This was really interesting as we got the opportunity learn about our Swedish friends on a very personal level.  We looked at issues of Gender and we all brought our differing perspectives to the table.Sunday night ended with all of us participating in a night walk and a camp fire. The warmth of the fire extended to the group.

Bara början

Sooooo har utbytet kommit till slutet. Men som titeln på denna blogg, det är bara början. Vi kommer att hålla de stunder vi delade i våra hjärtan. Under denärmaste dagarna kommer vi att ladda upp reflektioner av veckan och skrivabloggar vi inte har tid att skriva samtidigt på pråmen.
Denna vecka visade verkligen hur ljus framtiden är: DNA EUROPA - Unga, gratis och olika:) Se upp världen!

tisdag 23 augusti 2011

Only the beginning

Sooooo, the exchange has come to end. But like the title of this blog, it is only the beginning. We will keep the moments we shared in our hearts. Over the next few days we will be uploading reflections of the week and write the blogs we didn't have time to write whilst on the Barge. 
This week truly showed how bright the future is: THE DNA of EUROPE - Young, Free and Different :) Watch out world!!

torsdag 11 augusti 2011

Hi Guys Im Jinn,,,, just wana say im looking forward to meeting every one im as excited as u r i get to take a week of work to spend with u lot,,, im 22 n my birthday was is on the day u go back the 20th,,,, looking forward to having a great week,,,,, 

onsdag 10 augusti 2011


Hi, on the left is a very cool guy called Horatio. On the right is his very close friend. From what we are told, he is funny, handsome and generally amazing!!! He has a keen interest in sharing ideas with people and we would really advise that you get to know him!!