A youth project granted by the European Union, Youth in Action programme. Organised by loveLife Generation in the UK and Women's right network in Sweden

söndag 28 augusti 2011

R.E.S.P.E.C.T, 1 and 1 day week after the last day

R oligt! (Funny in Swedish). I laughed, danced, played funny games and got to know amazing people.

E nglish people were amazing hosts! Always helpful, well-organized and with a great attitude!

S ecret Friend is a game everyone played really well. I got flowers, presents, smiles and Sofia4ever signs everywhere! Thank you Zahraa! :)

P articipants were all friendly, positive and I'm happy that everyone became so close friends!

E eeehoooo! I liked the visit to New Ham (sorry if the spelling is wrong). It was really interesting!

C ool!

T thinking about what's next. English people might come to Sweden next year! This could be real if the Swedish team manages to write a good application and then make a good project. I think we will!


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